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PORT connects is an international event where we will discuss bridging science with business. Focusing on building start-ups and how technology transfer centres can help scientists introduce their ideas to the market.
About the conference
ATAM & MASCA 2024 is a joint conference proposed by Wrocław’s material engineering society, linking two events: Symposium on „Advanced Technologies and Materials (ATAM)” – organized every two years by Łukasiewicz – PORT and „Materials Science Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (MASCA)” – a novel conference, proposed by Materials Engineering Committee of the Wrocław Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
ATAM & MASCA 2024 aims to bring together and provide a collaborative environment to exchange ideas and develop knowledge to chemists, physicists and engineers, working on the development of advanced materials, which could be applied in energy harvesting, various nanotechnologies, novel sensors, microlasers and other miniaturized photonic devices, including but not limited to.
See the invitation letter.

Topics of the conference
Science and engineering of advanced materials and technologies including:
- 2D materials,
- biomaterials
- ceramics,
- energy materials,
- light emitting materials,
- liquid crystals,
- magnetic materials,
- nanomaterials,
- photonic materials,
- polymers,
- semiconductors,
- superconductors,
- thermoelectrics,
- other advanced functional materials
which could find application in: energy harvesting, sensors, microlasers and other miniaturized photonic devices, nanotechnologies, etc.

Our ATAM & MASCA 2024 journey has come to the end
The 3-days Conference has been an excellent opportunity for all of us to meet, elaborate on variety of material science and technology topics, and pleasantly spend time on our beautiful Campus of ŁUKASIEWICZ – PORT.
We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to the speakers, poster presenters, chairmen, and to all the participants.
We would like to thank all attendees for their active participation in scientific discussions during the conference.
We cordially invite you to the next editions of the ATAM symposium and the MASCA conference. In fact, we will be in touch with all of you to give you the details as soon as possible!
The entire event was under the media patronage, honorary patronage, and collaboration with partners and research and scientific units.

Register for the conference
Registering for the joint conference ATAM & MASCA 2024 is an incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in the forefront of scientific advancement and collaboration. Imagine the chance to meet renowned scientists, engage in stimulating discussions, and explore cutting-edge research across multiple disciplines.
Remember, being part of such an intellectually stimulating event can be profoundly inspiring and transformative for your academic and professional journey. Seize this chance to expand your horizons, elevate your research, and be part of something truly remarkable. Register now and embark on an enriching experience that could shape the trajectory of your career!