Jakub Pawłów

Scientific Secretary – Jakub Pawłów, Łukasiewicz – PORT
Graduate of master’s studies in the field of Medicinal Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Wrocław. Since 2020, member of the Advanced Materials Synthesis Group in Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development. Currently, he is broadening his scientific horizons by conducting research on modern temperature sensors as a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Wrocław and at Łukasiewicz-PORT. Co-author of 1 scientific publication on the spectroscopy of the Nd3+ ion in the YPO4 matrix. The research results on this compound were presented at international conferences in Wrocław and Nice. His main scientific interest is lanthanides spectroscopy and temperature-dependent sensors. He participated in 5 research projects financed by the National Science Center and the National Center for Research and Development, of which he works in 3 to this day. Member of Local Organizing Committee of 8th International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM8), Wrocław and Secretary of the International Conference Prequel Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Materials preATAM 2020.