Dr. Daniele Cortecchia

Daniele Cortecchia is currently a researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology, Center for Nano Science and Technology (IIT-CNST), Milan. He holds a Master of Science in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Bologna (2012) and a PhD at the Interdisciplinary Graduate School at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2018).
In 2017 he returned to Italy at the IIT Center for Nano Science and Technology to work in Annamaria Petrozza’s research group. In 2018 he won a Seal of Excellence in the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) programme, and in 2020 he received an individual fellowship for his project PERICLeS as part of the same MSCA programme for the promotion of young European talents. He is also scientist-in-charge of the MSCA-ITN project PERSEPHONe.
In 2022 he has been awarded with a prestigious European Research Council Starting Grant of 2.5 million Euro to develop the project SUpramolecularly engineered functional PERovskite quantum wells (SUPER). His current h-index is 21 with more than 2.800 citations. His research covers the study of advanced metal halide perovskites for application in optoelectronics, with focus in light-emitting and photonic devices.
He is particularly interested in the development of rational synthetic design strategies for the control of perovskite’s luminescence properties, and in the investigation of their fundamental photophysical properties.