Prof Feng Zhou

Dr. Feng Zhou is a Professor in Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS and Deputy director of State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication. He gained PhD in 2004 and spent three years (2005-2008) in the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge as a research associate. He has published more than 120 journal papers that received more than 24000 citations and has the H-index 86.
His research interests include the surfaces/interfaces of soft matters, functional coatings with extreme wetting and tunable adhesion, engineering coatings for oil seal, drag-reduction and antibiofouling, and biolubrication. Moreover he is focused on material science at micro/nano scales and interfaces, which include nano/micro patterning, polymer brushes, sensing and actuation, functional composite coatings for icephobicity.
He has gained a number of awards including “Young Scholar Award in Tribology”, Chinese Engineering Institute, 2009; “National Young Excellence” Award from National Science Foundation of China, 2011; and “Young Scholar Award of Chemistry”, Chinese Chemical Society, 2011.