Prof. Kheirreddine Lebbou

Dr. K. Lebbou is Research Director in ILM Laboratory belonging to CNRS institution in France and a world-known expert in the field of crystal growth and material design technology with a particular focus on optical materials and associated phenomena which he has very actively contributed to develop, from the most fundamental aspects to applications perspective. Dr. K. Lebbou has an excellent international visibility for his expertise in crystal growth machine development, experimental training, and elemental crystal.
He was an associate professor and a group leader in Institute for Materials Research (IMR, Tohoku University, Japan) in the field of crystal. He has been a co-founder of the Fibercryst company, for the growth of crystal fibers in Lyon, and co-fonder of the CristalInnov technological platform in the Rhône Auvergne region. Since 2000, he created a crystal growth laboratory in Lyon, France and he is currently the leader of the crystal growth activities in ILM laboratory at CNRS institution. He fosters the scientific collaboration between ILM and different national and international laboratories and companies on the subject of the crystal growth.
In his laboratory, Dr. K. Lebbou is committed to continuous improvement and maintaining the same high level of his activities as in the past in research as well as in bringing visibility to crystal growth research. He has expertise in different areas of research, published more than 170 papers, 8 patents, supervisor of 20 PhD Thesis and has worked on research and developmental projects in collaboration with the industrial partners, governmental agencies, laboratory and company from abroad.